
Introduction to ESG

Why Get Trained in ESG?
ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) standards help companies measure and showcase their impact; consumers choose where to buy and investors where to invest. Impact is measured on the environment, society and the company's corporate governance – often, companies will determine which of these areas are most important to them, but they are all interlinked and tend to feed into one another.

You must also ensure your people and planet strategy calls for genuine, active senior buy- in and championing. Rather than leaving it to one department or looking to add it on later, it relies on many parties: Board Directors, CEO, CFO, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Sustainability Officer, General Counsel, Chief People Officer, IRO, Head of Communications and Internal and External Auditors, all working together as one.

But before you do anything, you need to get your house in order by making sure people and planet is 100% part of our company’s DNA and that it filters both “top-down” and “bottom-up”.
To do that, there are some crucial STEPS to take before you start thinking about your environmental and social impact strategies and communications. One of which is TRAINING and Upskilling yourself and your teams. 

This high-level introduction to Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) will leave you with a strong understanding of how you could embed ESG within your business model and communication strategy and how to measure the impact.

What will the course cover? 
ESG has a multi-faceted Eco System where each element relies on the other to form a bigger picture. At the end of the session you will have a clear understanding of:

  • How and why ESG is a hot topic right now? 
  • The elements that fall under the E,S,G and what do they entail?
  • The ESG regulators (FCA, SEC, European Union, Green Code Claims) and what do they expect from organisations?
  • What employees and investors look for ahead of joining and investing in an organisation?
  • The principles and reporting frameworks of ESG (UNSDG, B.Corp, PRI, UN Global Impact)
  • Case studies of who is doing ESG Communication so well and who is not.

Who should attend: 
This course is designed for anyone who is curious about the topic or is tasked with transforming the workplace and shaping it to become people and planet focused.

  • Internal Communication Directors 
  • Internal Communication Managers 
  • Internal Communication Consultants 
  • Corporate Affairs Directors 
  • PR Managers 
  • PR Consultants 
  • Founders of PR/Internal Communication consultancies and agencies 
  • NEDs/ Board Advisors of Communications consultancies and agencies

What to expect: 

  • Pre-session short preparation to ensure you get the most out the day
  • Group exercises and discussions
  • Individual reflection and action plan post session
08/09/2022 09:30 - 15:30
GMT Daylight Time
Management and Leadership

Introduction to ESG

Why Get Trained in ESG?
ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) standards help companies measure and showcase their impact; consumers choose where to buy and investors where to invest. Impact is measured on the environment, society and the company's corporate governance – often, companies will determine which of these areas are most important to them, but they are all interlinked and tend to feed into one another.

You must also ensure your people and planet strategy calls for genuine, active senior buy- in and championing. Rather than leaving it to one department or looking to add it on later, it relies on many parties: Board Directors, CEO, CFO, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Sustainability Officer, General Counsel, Chief People Officer, IRO, Head of Communications and Internal and External Auditors, all working together as one.

But before you do anything, you need to get your house in order by making sure people and planet is 100% part of our company’s DNA and that it filters both “top-down” and “bottom-up”.
To do that, there are some crucial STEPS to take before you start thinking about your environmental and social impact strategies and communications. One of which is TRAINING and Upskilling yourself and your teams. 

This high-level introduction to Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) will leave you with a strong understanding of how you could embed ESG within your business model and communication strategy and how to measure the impact.

What will the course cover? 
ESG has a multi-faceted Eco System where each element relies on the other to form a bigger picture. At the end of the session you will have a clear understanding of:

  • How and why ESG is a hot topic right now? 
  • The elements that fall under the E,S,G and what do they entail?
  • The ESG regulators (FCA, SEC, European Union, Green Code Claims) and what do they expect from organisations?
  • What employees and investors look for ahead of joining and investing in an organisation?
  • The principles and reporting frameworks of ESG (UNSDG, B.Corp, PRI, UN Global Impact)
  • Case studies of who is doing ESG Communication so well and who is not.

Who should attend: 
This course is designed for anyone who is curious about the topic or is tasked with transforming the workplace and shaping it to become people and planet focused.

  • Internal Communication Directors 
  • Internal Communication Managers 
  • Internal Communication Consultants 
  • Corporate Affairs Directors 
  • PR Managers 
  • PR Consultants 
  • Founders of PR/Internal Communication consultancies and agencies 
  • NEDs/ Board Advisors of Communications consultancies and agencies

What to expect: 

  • Pre-session short preparation to ensure you get the most out the day
  • Group exercises and discussions
  • Individual reflection and action plan post session
08/09/2022 09:30 - 15:30
GMT Daylight Time
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