The Practical Aspects Involved in Managing Natural Disasters

The Practical Aspects Involved in Managing Natural Disasters

The Practical Aspects Involved In Managing Natural Disasters

From devastating earthquakes in Morocco, Turkey and Syria, wildfires in Greece and Canada, to flooding in Ecuador, Congo and Rwanda, the impact of natural disasters and extreme weather patterns is rarely out of the news.

Well after the media has moved on, it is impossible to forget the haunting images of Hawaii’s charred and shattered landscape. In the first eight months of 2023, the USA experienced 23 separate billion dollar weather and climate disasters, the largest number since records began. Yet of all the countries in the world, the Philippines, Indonesia and India are believed to be at highest risk.

Such events promote unprecedented challenges for crisis leaders, so how can you prepare? Do immediate warnings preserve and save lives? What are the best ways to act decisively and lead effectively through any disaster? What are the best ways for overcoming setbacks, developing teams and serving with integrity? What are the best ways to support and assist victims in the aftermath of natural disasters? How is it possible to comprehend such intense tragedy and loss?

Emergency response is a critical part of crisis management and the Crisis Communication Network is delighted to welcome three international leaders in the field:

Amanda Coleman is one of the UK’s leading crisis communication experts.  She is the author of Crisis Communication Strategies: Prepare, Respond and Recover Effectively in Unpredictable and Urgent Situations  and Everyday Communication Strategies: Manage Common Issues to Prevent a Crisis and Protect Your Brand and is currently working on a third book.

Amanda runs a crisis communication consultancy and supports a range of clients internationally with incident management, planning and training. She is the Chair of the UK Emergency Planning Society Communication Professional Working Group.    

Ed Conley is one of the world’s most experienced disaster responders. He spent the early part of his career as an emergency medical technician in the US Ski Patrol before moving to NATO to advise on emergency management. During the 27 years he spent subsequently as a disaster responder at the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), he has helped to guide more than 200 emergency response operations worldwide. He was closely involved in the Haitian earthquake in 2010, which is still one of the worst natural disasters in world history, killing more than 300,000 people. Drawing upon his extensive experience he will share proven principles for acting decisively and leading dynamically and empathetically throughout any disaster. He is the author of Promote the Dog Sitter: and Other Principles for Leading During Disasters.

Dan Stoneking is the CEO of Stoneking Strategic Communications consultancy.  He is also the Founder and Vice President of the Emergency Management External Affairs Association, having enjoyed careers in both the US Army and FEMA. Dan was lead spokesperson for the US National Guard in Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina where he represented 54 states and territories; helped establish the first-ever international joint information centre during the earthquake in Haiti; and was US lead spokesperson in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria in 2017, which devastated the northwest Caribbean. His first book, Cultivate Your Garden, Crisis Communications from 30,000 Feet to Three Feet will be published in Feb 2024. 

The event is chaired by Katherine Sykes and Sara Naylor of the Crisis Communications Network.

Contact: Felix Östman
Email: [email protected]

28/05/2024 13:00 - 14:15
GMT Daylight Time

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