Navigating Purpose-led Communications: What’s Next?

Navigating Purpose-led Communications: What’s Next?

The world is constantly changing around us, and the expectations and needs for purpose-led communications shifting in response.  

We are in an election year in which issues can become a lightning rod for culture war politics, and through which we face the likely possibility of an incoming government with new agendas around environmental and social justice concerns. An accelerating climate crisis, geopolitical divisions and rising populism continue to rock the globe. Generational differences and evolving expectations place a growing pressure on brands to take a stance on a range of different issues. And we are also over half-way towards the Sustainable Development Goals’ target of 2030, with significant leaps needed to make the necessary progress in time. 

Amongst all this complexity, many organisations are taking stock and using this time to rethink how to tell their story in this space. As communications and PR professionals, how can we try to stay ahead of the curve and understand what’s next for the purpose agenda? 

CIPR Greater London Group and Purpose Union have gathered some of the great thinkers in the purpose communications space in a panel at University College London (UCL) to ask just that, and to help us all to navigate what’s coming. 

Join the conversation by signing up to attend, with plenty of Q&A and networking time.

Arrive at 6pm for a 6.30pm panel discussion and Q&A, followed by networking drinks.

Lewis Iwu, Founder (Purpose Union) 

Hannah Pawlby, Chief Impact Officer (Freuds) and co-Founder (Goals House)
Will McCallum, co-Executive Director (Greenpeace UK)
Mary McHarg, President of UCL Student Union 
Rest of panel to be confirmed shortly.

£5 for CIPR members or £10 for non-members, all welcome.


Contact: Georgina Cade

Email: [email protected]

23/05/2024 18:00 - 20:30
GMT Daylight Time
UCL Grant Museum of Zoology Rockefeller Building, UCL 21 University Street London WC1E 6DE UNITED KINGDOM

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