Inspirational Leadership

Inspirational Leadership

Course aim
How we handle the complexities of human relationships really are key to determine the impact of our leadership. Effective teams harness skills, talents, and personal attributes of each person. They also create and maintain a positive culture, structure, and processes.

Effective teams are led by Impactful Leaders.

We live in a world where facts are ‘free’. There are over 100,000 leadership books available to buy on Amazon, so we will not be focussing on the theory, but we will be interactively exploring our own and collective leadership experiences, the comfort zones, and the areas where we wish to improve.

We will use some theory and well-known frameworks to supplement our development during the course to give us something to refer back to as we continue our leadership journey.

Who can attend
This course is aimed at directors, and anyone who wants to create real impact through their leadership and leadership style. We will explore who we are, as people and leaders, how we may be perceived and find ways to work with our wider teams to identify that shared vision. You will learn the importance of empowerment and delegation, as well as governance and goal setting.

What to expect
You will reflect, revisit, and refocus on creating the greatest impact through your leadership. You will learn from others and share your experiences/ideas for others to learn from you.

It will enable you to create a personal action plan, explore what good looks like, and gain space and time to focus on you and your leadership

This course will cover the following:

  • Section 1 - Introduction
    • Creating a network with others who are also on “the journey”
  • Section 2 - Goals and curiosity
    • Setting your personal goals and how to be curious
    • Comfort Zones and Challenge
  • Section 3 - Position, power and purpose
    • Who am I as a person and a leader?
    • Values, beliefs, and behaviours and why they matter
    • How am I seen as a leader?
    • Understanding the importance of values, vision, and identity
  • Section 4 - Moving from “Me” to “We”
    • What makes a high-impact team and to keep it that way
    • Exploring and creating a combined purpose, vision, and identity for impact
    • Roles and Relationships
    • How group dynamics can improve or negatively impact on decision making
    • Who do we follow and who follows us? (a critical role of followership)
    • Governance – what does it really mean and what does good look like?
  • Section 5 - Making an impact through communication
    • The importance of using the right language for the right impact
  • Section 6 - Review and reflection
    • Personal action planning

Course objectives
Participation on this course will enable you to:

  • Reflect on your values, beliefs, and behaviours and how they impact your leadership
  • Explore your leadership comfort zones and challenge areas, building a personalised action plan
  • Improve your leadership to create inspiration
  • Develop ideas to empower and enable the team
  • Be curious about your organisation, your place within it, and how to improve governance
11/10/2023 09:00 - 17:00
GMT Daylight Time
Registration not available.

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