Save up to £75 when join by 31 July with code MembersWeek. Terms apply.

Membership can be paid by annual or monthly direct debit (save £20 when you pay this way). You can pay in one instalment by invoice or card too.

How much does membership cost?

UK UK (Direct Debit - Annual) UK (Direct Debit - Monthly) Overseas
Member or Fellow with Chartership Package* £403**   £383   £31.92   £383
Member or Fellow £259   £239   £19.92    £239
 Associate  £207  £187  £15.58  £187
Affiliate £176   £156   £13.00   £156
Global Affiliate  -  -  -   £95
Student £38  -  -  £38
Retired rate £98  -  -  

Join now

*NEW FOR 2024 - Chartership package

Make a commitment to getting chartered when you join or before your membership renews and save nearly £200 by paying for your membership and your chartership assessment together. The Chartership Package is available to new joiners and to renewing members on renewal. For more information click here. **Additional booking fee of £29 payable at the time of registering for a Chartership assessment.

Part time fee reductions

If you are considering joining us or are a member who has reduced your working hours, we may be able to help with a reduced membership fee (usually 50% off standard fees). Part-time subscription reduction is available to everyone, including new joiners. Simply apply online , select ‘pay later’ and then email the membership team to ask for the part time fee reduction to be applied.

Tax relief on membership fees

Did you know if you pay for your own membership you can claim tax relief? This means you can take home more of your income and pay less tax. Let HMRC know what you have paid and they will deduct your membership fee from your taxable income. Find out more on the Gov.UK website.

Financial assistance for existing members

Pay monthly
If your membership is due to renew, email our membership team (at least ten days before your renewal) to pay your annual fee by monthly direct debit. Membership will cost less than £20 per month.

Payment breaks If you are a CIPR member in financial difficulty, ask us about a membership payment break. We can freeze your payments for three months or more depending on how long you have been a CIPR member.

Changes in circumstances
If you are an existing member who has reduced your working hours or retired, we may be able to help with a reduced membership fee depending on your circumstances.

Maternity/Paternity package

CIPR members on parental leave are eligible for up to 12 months' payment holiday from CIPR membership – to ease the financial burden of Statutory Maternity/Paternity Pay, and up to 12 months discretionary CPD credits – to maintain levels of accreditation.

Contact us to find out more
Email our membership team to discuss any of the above flexible payment options.

You can read the membership terms and conditions here.

If you have a query please contact the membership team on 00 44 (0)20 7631 6900 or email us to learn more.