building a strong and sustainable CIPR

We have reviewed our governance for the first time in 10 years to ensure the CIPR is strong, sustainable, and fit for the future. We proposed changes to align our governance with our strategic ambitions, creating a structure that is transparent, modern, and truly reflective of the diverse voices in our field.


Our proposals for change

We have proposed changes to our governance in four key areas:

  • Board of Directors
  • Nominations Committee
  • President's role
  • Council


The governance consultation


A summary of the proposed change is set out in this downloadable pdf.  We ran a consultation on these proposals in January and February 2024 and you can see our response to the consultation feedback.  The proposed changes to our royal Charter and Bylaws were approved by an Extraordinary General Meeting on 18 April 2024 and were sent to the Privy Council Office for consideration.  Changes to our Regulations were enacted by our Council and Board in June 2024. 




The governance process and timeline


March-December 2023

 Council and Board agree on the need to look at governance change; a joint working group of Board and Council members develops proposals for change that are reviewed on three occasions by Council and twice by the Board

January 2024
Governance consultation runs from 17 Jan – 29 Feb with members able to ask questions and share their views at event drop-ins with the CEO and President and via consultation survey


12 March
Governance Feedback summary published and shared with consultation participants


18 April 
Extraordinary General Meeting to consider proposed changes to Charter and Bylaws

Agenda and papers are available via a downloadable PDF here

Members will be voting via proxy or directly during the EGM on the day.


19 April 
We apply to the Privy Council Office for permission to change

20 June
Board and Council agree changes to Regulations. Job description for Independent Chair and Terms of Reference for Nominations Committee, CIPR members and Independent Chair of Nominations Committee agreed

10 July
AGM and Call for candidates for Council and for President-Elect is published

2-30 September (provisional)
Nominations Committee interview candidates

1 October (provisional)
Nominations Committee publishes names of candidates on the ballot paper

14 October (provisional)
Voting opens

31 October (provisional)
Voting closes

5 December (provisional)
Council elects a new Board of Directors

1 January 2025
Newly-elected Board, newly-elected Council and newly-elected President-Elect
begin their terms of office.


The Governance Working Group

Our thanks to the governance working group who developed, with Board and Council input, the proposals for change.

Donna Castle
Dan Gerrella
Anne Gregory
David Hamilton
Hayley James
Paula McNulty
Claire Melia
Jenifer Stirton
Rebecca Zeitlin
Mitzi Wyman (Volunteer Working Group Coordinator)