Save up to £75 when join by 31 July with code MembersWeek. Terms apply.

We have six member grades to choose from depending  on your relevant experience.

 Working in PR and/or have a PR qualification?

  • Fellow (FCIPR): open to existing MCIPRs by nomination only
  • Honorary Fellowships: Granted by the Board of Directors in exceptional circumstances
  • Member (MCIPR): 2 years or more of PR experience or the CIPR Diploma
  • Associate (ACIPR): up to 2 years of PR experience or the CIPR Advanced Certificate/CIPR-recognised course

Check the detailed entry criteria  for each grade here.

Not sure if your experience counts as public relations?

If you are currently working in PR and have more than 2 years' experience in a related discipline such as journalism or marketing, you can fast track to Member (MCIPR) grade via the career conversion route.

Based outside the UK?

If you meet the criteria for Associate or Member grade, you can join at this grade wherever you are in the world. If you'd rather a basic online membership at a non-professional grade, you can become a Global Affiliate. This doesn't offer a certificate, designatory letters or a member logo but it does include access to our online resources and free membership of the CIPR International group.

Not working in PR but interested in the profession?

Affiliate grade will keep you informed and up-to-date on the latest developments in the profession


  • Student membership at £38 is open to anyone studying on a University undergraduate or postgraduate course lasting at least 12 months*.
  • Student grade membership is not available to those studying a CIPR qualification. Those studying on a CIPR qualification are eligible for either Affiliate grade membership (UK candidates), or Global Affiliate grade membership (International candidates). Membership of the CIPR is not a requirement for those studying for a CIPR qualification.
  • Universities can sign up students on their programmes to group student membership (10+ students). For more details email us.

Next steps for students:

  • Those with at least one year of PR experience having graduated from a CIPR Recognised Course can fast-track to professional membership - Member (MCIPR). Email us to find out more.
  • Upgrade to professional membership with stepped pricing post-graduation. Pay just £60 in the first year and £93 in the second year for your annual membership subscription so the first 2 years of membership is £60+ £93= £153 (less than an annual membership at an Associate level).  Email us to find out more.
* Free student membership for those on CIPR recognised courses is now closed